
Solo Exhibition | Hayward Fine Art | Brisbane | 2013
Mohamed Louanjli, Quartz

Quartz, curated by Bob Hayward, at Hayward Gallery, Brisbane, 2013

Mohamed Louanjli, Quartz

137P, Lambda Print, 120x120 cm, 2013

Mohamed Louanjli, 137P

137P, Detail


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Quartz is an exhibition about time and sequence. This collection of new/photo media works groups visuals originated from aerial photography and processed with algorithms. The digital clock of computing and its lightning speed define new territories when evolutions happen outside common conceptions or when “time scales become beyond human comprehension” according to the definition of George Dyson, who acknowledges that “thermonuclear reactions in a bomb are over in billionths of a second, while thermonuclear reactions in a star play out over billions of years”—and grasping this kind of phenomena needs the computational language of machines as a medium.

These works are not manipulations with filters, but rather collaborations with microprocessors to generate sequence, chaos, redundancy, and entropy. Random Access Memory (RAM) becomes a vehicle that conquers the information and shapes the work deep inside the hidden life of the digital universe, fast.

The show puts an emphasis on coding and decoding as an exercise and analogy of the contemporary digital landscape. The divided and triangulated space makes a puzzle, that is visually connected to agglomerations, war, and territories. In these C-type Lambda prints, the viewer is confronted with different layers of abstraction built around actual and virtual places—actual as opposed to virtual, since surprisingly many events happen in the oxymoronic world of Virtual Reality.

Some works are visuals in which the viewer can only grasp the message by using interactivity as a translator. Here, the Quick Response (QR) code is a medium of instantaneity, inviting us to communicate in order to access many levels of pseudo-meanings, possibilities and actuality.

— MoeLouanjli, Brisbane, 2013.